Tuesday, February 12, 2008

TVM pick-up question...

Student question: I was wondering if i could come by and pick up my TVM Tutorial tomorrow Wednsday. My last class ends at 10:50 a.m. will you still be in your office?

Answer: First of all, remember that I won't have office hours tomorrow. I teach from 8 to 9 AM then I am off to Dallas for meetings the rest of the day. I will have office hours as normal on Friday.

Sanjukta is in charge of the TVMs and she has all the TVM tutorials in her office. Normally, we don't return the TVM but you are welcome to pick it up if you can coordinate with her. Sanjukta might also be able to leave the TVM at the Department office (434 Business Building) where you can pick it up between 9 and 4:50 PM, Monday through Friday.

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